Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating chemical units called monomers. These molecules have unique properties and can be found in a variety of natural and synthetic materials. Polymers are useful because they can be designed to have certain properties, such as strength, flexibility, and the ability to conduct electricity. They are used in a wide variety of applications, including the manufacture of plastics, textiles, rubber, adhesives and many other products.
Polymer Types and Usage Areas
There are many different types of polymers and they are used in a wide variety of applications. Here are some examples of common polymer types and their uses:
Polyethylene: This is a common polymer used in the manufacture of plastic bags, bottles and containers.
Polypropylene: This polymer is used in the manufacture of a variety of products, including ropes, carpets, and automotive parts.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): This polymer is used in the manufacture of tubing, siding, and inflatable products.
Polystyrene: This polymer is used in the manufacture of foam products such as foam containers and packaging materials.
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET): This polymer is used in the manufacture of bottles and other containers.
Polyurethane: This polymer is used in the manufacture of foams, coatings and adhesives.
Polycarbonate: This polymer is used in the manufacture of a variety of products, including eyeglass lenses and electronic components.
Polyester: This polymer is used in the manufacture of fabrics and clothing.
Nylon: This polymer is used in the manufacture of a variety of products, including clothing, rope, and automotive parts.
Polypropylene (PP) is a type of polymer made from the monomer propylene. It is a strong, lightweight plastic that is resistant to chemical and moisture degradation. Polypropylene has a high melting point and can be molded into a variety of shapes and forms. Some of the properties of polypropylene that make it useful include:
Strength: Polypropylene is a strong and durable material that can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
Lightweight: Polypropylene is lighter than many other plastics, making it useful in applications where weight is a concern.
Chemical resistance: Polypropylene is resistant to many chemicals, including acids and bases, making it useful in a variety of industrial applications.
Moisture resistance: Polypropylene is moisture resistant, making it useful in applications where it may be exposed to water or other liquids.
High melting point: Polypropylene has a high melting point, which allows it to be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes.
Good electrical insulation: Polypropylene is a good electrical insulator and is used in the manufacture of electrical components.
Usage areas :
1- Packaging Applications
Good barrier properties, high strength, good surface finish and low cost make Polypropylene ideal for a variety of packaging applications. Polypropylenes perform well in blow molding and sheet thermoforming products for food, personal care, healthcare, medical and laboratory equipment applications, household chemicals and beauty aids.
2- Consumer Goods
  Polypropylene can be used for translucent items, household items, furniture, appliances, suitcases, toys, etc. Used in a variety of household and consumer goods applications including
3- Automotive Applications
  Polypropylene is widely used in automotive parts due to its low cost, superior mechanical properties and formability. Main applications include battery boxes and trays, bumpers, fender linings, interior trim, instrument panels and door linings.
4- Fibers and Fabrics
A large amount of PP, known as fibers and fabrics, is used in the market segment. PP fiber is used in many applications including raffia/slit film, tape, strapping, bulk continuous filament, staple fibers, spun and continuous filament.
5- Medical Applications
Polypropylene is used in a variety of medical applications due to its high chemical and bacterial resistance. In addition, medical grade PP resists steam sterilization well
Pafta Mühendislik’s Polypropylene Types
A. Polypropylene LH3066-03.O
B. Polypropylene LH5072-03.O
C. Polypropylene LH5088-03.O

A. Polipropilen LH3066-03.O
LH3066-03.O UNIPOL® PP teknolojisine göre üretilmiştir. Bu teknoloji gaz fazlı akışkan yataklı reaktörlerin verimliliğini, katalizör sisteminin yüksek aktivitesi ve stereo spesifikliği ile birleştirir.
Bu ürün çift eksenli yönlendirilmiş polipropilen (BOPP) film üretiminde tasarlanmıştır. Laminasyon filme (streç film); gıda/unlu mamüller paketi veya metalize film(folyo) üretiminin uygulamaları için reçine olarak tavsiye edilir.
Ürün Özellikler:
LH 3066-03.O Bu ürün alttaki yazılmış olanları sağlamak için üretilmiştir.
• Yeterli işleme kabiliyeti
• İyi optik özellikler
• Yüksek mukavemet özellikleri

B. Polypropylene LH5072-03.O

LH3066-03.O is produced according to UNIPOL® PP technology. This technology combines the efficiency of gas phase fluidized bed reactors with the high activity and stereospecificity of the catalyst system.

This product is designed to be used in the production of drawn tape (raffia) used by raffia in the production of carpets, burlap, industrial applications, geotextiles.

Product Features:

LH 5072-03.O This product is manufactured to provide the following.

• Appropriate processing capability

• Good light stability

• Low water transport

• High strength properties

C. Polypropylene LH5088-03.O

LH5088-03.O is produced according to UNIPOL® PP technology. This technology combines the efficiency of gas phase fluidized bed reactors with the high activity and stereospecificity of the catalyst system.

This product is designed for use in bulk yarn production processes where the fibers are used in the production of covering yarn for carpets.

Product Features:

LH 5088-03.O This product is manufactured to provide the following.

• Appropriate processing capability

• Features that prevent fading under the influence of atmospheric gases

• High speed machining

• High strength property